School Clubs

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Enhancing Children's Learning

At Ecton Brook Primary School, we offer children a wide and varied range of extra-curricular clubs and activities. Children are given opportunities to participate in creative, musical, academic, technological and sporting clubs, all of which are designed to extend and enhance learning and skills as well as nurture enjoyment and confidence.

Clubs run throughout the year before, during and after school and are open to different age ranges, depending on the activity. Many of our clubs are provided by the school staff however we also work closely with external agencies such as NTFC, NCCC, Hotshots basketball and Northamptonshire Sports.

We believe that all children should be able to access the rich opportunities provided through club participation therefore clubs are open to all abilities, all are free of charge.


At our school, we have seen a direct link to improved attendance, motivation and academic levels with the participation in quality extra-curricular activities.

Images from Our School Clubs

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